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A load off.

The PIF being lifted by the Matador 3

Monday 6 March saw the delivery of the purpose built 700 tonne Pile Installation Frame (PIF) to the Rhenus Logistics Facility in Rotterdam, ahead of deployment to the Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm site.

The delivery of the PIF marks another significant milestone for the Beatrice project team.

The PIF, manufactured by Seaway Heavy Lifting subcontractor NAMI, was lifted from the NAMI facility by the sheerleg crane vessel 'Matador 3'. After being transported by barge along the Maas river to Rhenus, the PIF was offloaded to the quayside by the 2,500 tonne capacity crane aboard the Seaway Heavy Lifting vessel 'Stanislav Yudin'.

The PIF and the Stanislav Yudin will undergo a series of integration tests (including wet testing) over the next two weeks before mobilising to begin offshore construction work at the beginning of April.

The lifting and transporting operations were witnessed by our marine warranty surveyor (Mwaves Limited).

(Thank you to Nigel James of Mwaves Limited for the use of his image)

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